Continuing the stash busting cushion

The second, simpler version of the stripes works better – much better. I like the deepening colours, and the change of spacing creates a changing rhythm.
The next band uses three different yellows to make little diamond shapes, alternating darks and lights – although as the darks and lights looked closer togther when stitched than on the hank, the alternations don’t show as much as I thought they would!

I became a little ambitious after that, and found a celtic knotwork pattern in a book (Celtic Needlepoint, by Alice Starmore) I inherited with a bundle of other things from a local lady who seems to have been as adventurous with her needle as I am, but with a greater emphasis on counted work.
I went astray a couple of times. Knotwork patterns are a little taxing!

I hadn’t quite recovered from tyeing myself in knots when I did the next narrow band. This was intended to be a chain link pattern, but I ended up with something else – what, I’m not quite sure!
The next Episode of #SlowTVStitchery is now live – remembering the agony of unpicking Akhenaten’s seat, while considering the question of the right style of detail to add to a design, with particular reference to the Christmas Angel.
Looking good!
Your needlepoint is looking grand, I love the variety of patterns in the border. I enjoy Alice Starmore’s Celtic designs – I have her Celtic Knitting, so seeing the knotwork brought a smile. Perhaps I should revisit her knitting patterns for my next knitting adventure?
I was interested in your comments about linen and the cloudy colour. I wonder what colour you envisage your stele being? As a stone object the colour might be more cloudy, depending on the stone used, so perhaps cloudy linen might work? Not that I think velvet anything other than delicious of course – cotton velvet I assume? Silk is far to tricksy to work with!!
The needlepoint is really progressing. Wish my stitches were as regular!
Good progress on the needlepoint. I like your variety of design, especially the Celtic work. I bet it was tricky!
Wow! Your Egyptians are looking grander each time I look at them. It is nice to hear your voice in the video, too.
Loving the pattern and colours.
It’s looking good. The mixture of styles of pattern, colours and widths is giving the stripes a lot of interest.
how wonderful to hear your voice!! It’s also amazing how much more vibrant embroidery appears on video…love it!
The cushion is looking great. Your patience with the or nue amazes me.