Finishing the Stash Busting Cushion

Remember this? Remember how suprised I was at just how much I was enjoying canvaswork?
I found the last pattern in “Victorian Needlepoint” by Freda Parker, another one inherited in a bundle. I keep meaning to have a good rummage in that bookshelf, and work out what I want to keep, but as it is, it makes a good resouce when I’m looking for “something, I don’t know what, but I will know it when I see it”.
Since I’m stash busting, I used several different skein remnants for each colour on the chart, so the pattern has more variety than drawn. There are three shades in the very darkest sections, and I was surprised by how little difference two of them showed once they were stitched. You learn things at the oddest times.
That panel is the last, by the way, because at this point I ran out of canvas!
It does, however, make a squarish, ornamental panel. If I can find some suitable fabric, I can give it a backing and turn it into a cushion.
Episode 52 of SlowTV Stitchery is now live, in which I challenge you all to name some works of fiction in which needlework has a prominent and positive role…
You have made great progress on your projects.
Using odd bits of thread needs a bit of planning so that there is enough for each pattern of canvas work. You have managed well.
Your stash-busting panels will make a lovely pillow!
What a lovely find and a great finish!
Makes a great sampler panel. Bet it’s nice to have used up all that yarn.xx
It looks great. I have started my grand daughter on a long stitch picture, which she is really enjoying. Her first comment about canvas work was, “Oh, this is like digital art only done with a thread.” I will have to show her your video so she can see it is a whole lot more.
It is going to be very interesting to see how that stitch develops across the fishy body. We are both stitching fishes – I am amused.
I’m sure I read a novel last year some time where quilting was a significant part of the story, but nothing with embroidery, so can’t be of help there!
As to sagas, William Morris got rather excited about the Norse ones didn’t he, while Janey had her dalliance with DGR at home at Kelmscott!