Getting there at last…
Definitely getting there now. The horse is madder (a bit), and shorter-backed. I think when I stitch it, I may give it a clipped, standing mane, instead of the flowing locks – another contrast with William Marshall’s horse Mars.
Aethelflad herself is taller, and the contrast is closer, in keeping with the idea of wearing a sensible woollen riding dress to visit a building site.
I’m not sure about the saddlecloth – that may be something I will choose not to include.
I wonder whether Prior Rahere and Mother Julian are going to take as many iterations?
I think I’ve got it now.
I’ve added a border, and decoration around the neckline of the dress, both of which have helped. And I’ve cut out the pile of building stone and Aethelflaed herself, and moved them around a bit to make a layout I’m happy with.
Gosh. It’s taken a while!
She sits that horse with purpose now.
Coming together nicely. x
Yes, that’s more compact, much more focused on Aethelflaed herself, more a portrait than a landscape-with-figure. Now you just have to get it stitched….
I don’t think I would include the saddlecloth. It’s looking good!
All the alterations and trials might have taken time, but the work was well worth it. Unless you are on a time schedule, let the preparations take the time needed, on any project.
When you start stitching, I am sure you will know what to do with the saddlecloth.
Looking good!