Hawk in a clear blue sky…
A good, optimistic start to the creative year, here, with my first bit of stitching for Placidus – who’s only been in the planning stage for a decade or so!
You will see from the progress pictures that I was absolutely rocketing along the edge of catastrophe curve here, very little planning, and just alternating staring at my source and stitching. This is the way I tackled Ankhsenspaaten, and a few other pieces, and it’s very much the way I prefer to paint. But it’s highly uncertain as to success, and I may come back in a few years and try again.

Clicking through will show you how little guidance I’d put on the gauze, and how little it showed once there. Furthermore, I was in such a fever of impatience to start that I used neither frame nor hoop, working in the hand instead. I won’t do that again.
(Until next time I do it..)
I’ve mostly used silk perle, which is lovely, and the particular bundles I’m using I’ve had in my stash for decades. I use it, but it’s quite fine, and until recently I’ve preferred to work with rather more solid materials. We also discovered, when my grandfather’s carer boil washed a tray cloth I’d embroidered for him, that the colours aren’t washfast. Not a problem in this case: a panel hanging on the wall, using a wild mix of materials, is unlikely to be boil washed unless by someone deliberately seeking to destroy it.
In the meantime, if it is to work in the eventual piece, it will need to be savagely blocked or pressed to get the crinkles out of it – not because my tension was tight, but because the stitching is filling up the spaces between the fabric threads and making them move and misbehave.
I don’t mind – I’ve already pinned it out, and I’m just so pleased to have made a start on the Vision of Placidus at last!
Update: I showed this to The Australian, who immediately started singing the Hawthorn team song (Australian rules football). Go, Hawks!
It’s nice to see the progress in each of the three photos.
You have made a good start on this project.
I enjoyed watching this emerge from the cloth. Lovely threads and result.
At the risk of repeating myself, it is just so lovely – delicate and painterly. And you’ve really made me want to get back into the Dorian Grey project again…
That’s a lovely little piece. The freedom of the stitching is perfect for the flying bird.
What a beautifully expressive bit of stitching that is. So glad to see this beginning; well done you for holding onto that vision for so long. The Pisanello painting is one of my favourites. Looking forward to further tales of inspiration and a wild mix of materials.
Oh dear for the tray cloth though!
what lovely stitching (and lovely threads). Do people really still boil wash? Poor tray cloth!