Another day of photography (second helping)

The complication of the overlays against the panels is introduced by the facts that the overlays are slightly bigger than the panels, they are transparent, and the overlays themselves are heavy. In any final display, the overlays will be screwed to the wall, but we couldn’t do that in Bernard’s studio!

Nefertiti overlay suspended over the panel, using fishing wire and tripods

When we took the original photos, the panels were put on the very edge of a table, tied using fishing line through that convenient gap between the lower panels and the higher ones to an extremely heavy tool box, and with the background hanging behind. Since I wanted to include the frame of the overlays, that wouldn’t do.

Photo taken by Bernard, of me checking the placement of the overlay to decide whether we need to shorten or lengthen the fishing wire

So here is what we ended up with! A section of background is laid on the floor, with the panel laid on it. Then we set up a set of tripods on either side, poles between them, and ran a length of fishing line from pole to through eyelets in the back of the frame. We get the shadow that reveals the overlay to be a separate thing, and several ways to adjust the whole thing until it works.

It did rather turn the studio into a low-budget version of that scene from the film Entrapment where the cat burgler is practicing avoiding a mesh of lasers with a mesh of strings with bells on, but that just meant a certain hilarity entered the proceedings!

Me on a photographer's ladder

It also meant the deployment of a ladder for the viewpoint to be high enough. It’s a proper ladder for the purpose, and it was sturdy enough – Bernard was happily standing on the platform at the top to take the final shots, which I wasn’t quite up for, as you see.

I do think the set up will produce the right photos for the purpose, but my goodness, photography really isn’t “Just Point And Shoot”. Bernard also tweaks the raw files to make sure that they bring out what he saw when he took the photos, which means that we have something really good to start from. Technology has improved immeasurably since Mary Chubb’s time, but even so, there are losses in quality as you add processes, and to have something decent at the end of a sequence of design, layout, and printing processes, you have to start with something really excellent.


  1. Sue Jones says:

    My goodness, that’s a true labour of love! Took you both nearly as long as the embroidery, I suspect. Well done.

  2. Photographer Bernard says:

    Complex set up but results well worth it, hadn’t realised I would be working with Catherine Zeta-Jones though haha

  3. Queenie Patch says:

    I was also wondering, which is more laborious, the stitching or the photography?
    I am sure the end result will be excellent, though, and well worth the time and effort.

  4. Carolyn Foley says:

    It is so important to get the best results from that photography. I worked with a number of professionals back in my Fashion Buying days and they make it look so easy, which it isn’t.

  5. Karen says:

    What an excellent creative solution!

  6. Linda says:

    The photography seems to be taking a while to get right. You’ll get there in the end.

  7. Alex Hall says:

    The photography process is as interesting and intricate as the stitching and so worth getting right.

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